This day, after so many days of grief & loss, came this day. This day, that they held onto as a family and never gave up hope. This day, that dreams were made of. This day full of sunshine, smiles and love. This day, celebrating the little girl now growing her way to them.
We met in Yanchep where Jess had spent her childhood with her Dad and where they now call home. The kids had no idea if they were having a baby brother or a baby sister. Bets were placed, wishes made and under a big cotton candy sky in the middle of Summer the smoke bombs revealed "It's a girl!"
What a joyful and long awaited occasion to capture. Thank you for asking me to honour your gender reveal with life-long family photography memories you can share with her one day.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Inspired by Life. This is a circle blog I'm proud to be a part of that's just begun this month. Please take time to visit my fellow friend and blogger Channon Williamson to read her blog for this month Please continue reading my friends blogs by following the circles links.